Construction will commence in late March and will continue into the summer of 2022 for the restoration of Johnson’s Creek and culvert replacement at West Drive.
In 2019, Cleveland Metroparks was awarded an Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Section 319 (h) grant to restore Johnson’s Creek. The Project will restore +/- 650 lf of stream in Johnson’s Creek, a headwater tributary to the East Branch Rocky River. Restoration includes replacement of a failing box culvert in this section of Johnson’s Creek that acts as a barrier to fish and macroinvertebrate passage and contributes erosion to the creek.
Project partners, Cuyahoga Soil and Water and Rocky River Watershed Council, will be contributing to grant educational and outreach deliverables.
Johnson’s Creek will be realigned using Natural Channel Design principles that mimic characteristics of a stable, natural system. Stone sills with downstream riffles and pools will be introduced to reduce energy, control sediment, and provide habitat. Rootwads harvested from the site will provide structural stability to streambanks. Additionally, floodplain depressions and native plantings will be integrated to promote stability and ecological benefit for aquatic species.
In addition to the stream restoration, the existing culvert carrying Johnson’s Creek under West Drive will be replaced. The existing culvert is undersized and acts a barrier for fish passage. The existing culvert will be replaced with a larger culvert to allow fish to migrate upstream. The proposed culvert bottom will be lined with rock, forming pools and areas of rest for fish thus providing ecological uplift.
In order to provide safety for the public, the parking lot at West Drive will be closed for the duration of construction. West Drive will be temporarily closed to allow for culvert replacement and trails adjacent to the project may be temporarily closed to allow for construction activity. Project updates will be posted on the website and signage will be placed to alert park users.