The proposed connector trail to Rocky River Reservation will traverse the area’s steep topography near Fairview Hospital to create a new park connection for the 1,400 residents living within a half mile of the park. In the valley, the link will connect to the existing Emerald Necklace Trail, an off-road trail that stretches 33 miles through Cleveland Metroparks from Detroit Avenue in Lakewood to the Towpath Trail in Cuyahoga Valley National Park and connects to multiple communities and trails along the way.
The full design contract was awarded to Michael Baker International, Inc. in October 2023, and construction is anticipated to begin in early 2025. See the map below for the layout of the trail connector.
Project Type: All Purpose Trail Project
Anticipated Construction Timeline: Begin early 2025; expected completion Spring 2026
Contact: Seth Keller, Project Manager, 216-678-2651 or [email protected]
Project Size: Approximately 1,750 Linear Feet
Contracting Partner(s): Nerone & Sons Inc.
Consulting Partner(s): Michael Baker International