Hinckley Lake Dam Rehabilitation

Hinckley Lake Dam Rehabilitation

Project Updates

Construction is ongoing at the spillway. Please be mindful of posted signs at construction entrances with intersections of the APT and keep an eye out for entering and exiting construction traffic. The contractor is completed with concrete pours of the stilling basin and spillway up to the phase 1 elevation. Currently the contractor is working on grading activities of the earthen dam which entails heightening the dam . As the continued reminder, for the safety of our visitors, access to the lake is strictly prohibited for the duration of the project.  


August 2024 Progress Photos

Hinckley Lake Dam

Hinckley Lake Dam

For a list of common questions and concerns about this project, please view our Hinckley Lake Dam Rehabilitation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) here



This project includes the rehabilitation of Hinckley Dam in the Park District's Hinckley Reservation. The dam, which was completed in 1927, has provided recreation and helped mitigate flooding for nearly a century and created the 87-acre manmade Hinckley Lake. Over the next several years, the rehabilitation project will improve the recreational opportunities Hinckley Lake, raise the height of the existing earthen dam embankment that stretches across the northern portion of the lake and rehabilitate the 150-foot-wide concrete spillway to meet modern standards and provide improved protection in the event of severe flooding.

Over the last century, the Rocky River has deposited a significant amount of silt in Hinckley Lake, which varies in depths from 2-16 feet. Concurrently with the dam rehabilitation, Cleveland Metroparks will remove excess silt deposits in specific areas of the lake to allow for proper depths for recreation.

The project requires that the lake remain drained until the dam rehabilitation is completed which is expected by summer 2026 based on current schedule and funding. Hinckley Reservation remains open throughout the project but access to Hinckley Lake will is prohibited until the project is complete. Staging for the project is occurring at several locations throughout the park including Buzzard Roost. The dam rehabilitation is expected to cost approximately $9-10 million. 

See the historical photos below for a glimpse at the original construction of the Hinckley Dam in the 1920s. 

Project Type: Reservation Capital Project

Construction Timeline: Begin Fall 2023, complete by Summer 2026

Contact: Sean McDermott, Chief Planning & Design Officer, 216-635-3258 or [email protected]

Project Scope: Complete dam restoration, 150 ft spillway rehabilitation, lake dredging

Consulting Partner(s): Michael Baker International

Contracting Partner(s): Great Lakes Construction

Hinckley Lake Dam closed

Hinckley Lake Dam in the early 1900s

Hinckley Lake Dam in the early 1900s