Report a Coyote

Contact Information


Incident Information

Crosshair for maximum precision on maps


If the map location is not used or you don’t know the latitude and longitude please provide the location where the encounter occurred (address, nearest intersection, trailhead or picnic are name, reservation, be as specific as possible).


Location where visitor encountered coyote: (Please use online mapping function and/or provide address or location information: intersection, park/reservation, trail segment or picnic area name, be as specific as possible, note any landmarks)



ATTENTION: It is very rare for a coyote to come into actual physical contact with a person or pet, but if this occurs then it should be immediately reported. According to the Ohio Department of Health ( ), “When a person or pet is bitten by an animal, regardless of whether it's a pet or wild animal, the bite needs to be reported to the local health jurisdiction where the bite occurred. Bites from animals can spread rabies or other infections, so prompt reporting allows public health to take preventative measures and make recommendations."

Bite wounds should be thoroughly washed with soap and water as soon as possible. With any animal bite, consult with your healthcare provider.

If an animal bite occurs within Cleveland Metroparks submit this report and also notify Cleveland Metroparks Police at 440-331-5530.

Additional Information