***NOTE: The Fishing Report Blog is updated weekly on Thursdays from September-May and monthly from June-August*** As we move further into summer, highlight species targeted around Cleveland Metroparks include walleye, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, panfish, channel catfish, and common carp. To monitor the most recent river water level and temperature you can check the following link:
<Rocky River flow gage data> <Chagrin River flow gage data> <Rocky River NEORSD station with turbidity>. Please note: the Fishing Blog is updated once a month in June, July, and August and back to weekly in September.
Summer means family fishing time for many folks, and panfish fit the bill perfectly for a leisurely picnic and fishing outing. Bluegill, crappie, pumpkinseed and other sunfish species can be taken with a number of offerings, but a waxworm or redworm on a small hook (or tiny jig) suspended under a stick float and fished around a weedbed or shoreline brush is always a good choice. Wallace Lake, Shadow Lake, Strawberry Pond and Lakefront Reservation are just a few of many places in the parks to wet a line for various panfish species. Early mornings and dusk are typically better times to fish during the heat of summer. Largemouth bass fishing is often best in Wallace and Hinckley lakes, as well at in Lake Erie harbors, although bass can be found in most park waters.
Smallmouth bass are typically found in the deeper, rocky pools of the Rocky and Chagrin rivers during the day in summer, and often move to the heads of such pools in the early morning and evening hours to feed actively. A dark olive or brown tube jig of 3-4" length, other lures/flies that imitate minnows or crayfish, and live bait are all offerings that can catch smallmouth. Rock bass are also present in the same river areas as smallmouth, and can be caught using the same offerings.
Channel catfish and large carp are also present in some of these same areas in the river, and fishing for them can be a laid back and relaxing way to enjoy some time on the water. On June 16th, a total of 1,600 lbs of farm raised channel catfish were stocked between Shadow Lake (500 lbs), Ledge Lake (300 lbs), Strawberry Pond (300 lbs), Oxbow Lagoon (300 lbs) and Ranger Lake (200lbs). Channel catfish stocked in late May also remain to be caught at Wallace Lake and the Ohio & Erie Canal fishing area. Catfishing is usually best during lower light conditions using baits such as nightcrawlers, minnows, chicken liver, and processed dough baits. Resident channel catfish are available in the Rocky, Cuyahoga and Chagrin rivers all summer.
Carp can be found throughout local rivers in summer, as well. Carp can often be caught throughout the day on such bait as canned corn, carp dough baits, worms or crayfish tails. The key to fishing for either carp or catfish is fishing on (or very near) the river/lake bottom. In addition, freshwater drum (sheepshead), white perch, and bullhead catfish are also abundant in the northern river reaches (north of Morley Ford) in summer. For the angling generalist, any of the species thus far can be effectively targeted by fishing a nightcrawler worm right on the river bottom with a sinker.
The walleye bite has been good in anywhere from 25-50 feet of water out of Gordon (E72nd) and Edgewater parks. Trolling deep diving crankbaits and spoons behind dipsy divers has been the most common presentations. Anglers also doing well casting harnesses and weight forward spinners. Leads 60-110’ back unassisted or 50-80’ back with divers or 4-ounce snap weights have been working well at speeds of 1.5-2.0 mph. Additionally, diverse fishing opportunities including (but not limited to) rock bass, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, white bass, catfish, freshwater drum and sunfish species can be found along the Cleveland shoreline of Lake Erie and bite on offerings such as tube jigs and live minnows.
Fly Fishing Offerings in July. Have an interest in giving fly fishing a try, or enhancing your skills? Then we have two upcoming programs that would be of interest to you! Our Outdoor Recreation program is teaming up with Cleveland Museum of Natural History trout Club to offer
Try-It: Family Fly Fishing on Saturday July 8. For those looking to continue refining their fly fishing skills we are also offering
Fly Fishing 2: Supplemental Skills on July 13.
Orvis Giveback Days Update. A huge thank you goes out to our two local Orvis shops- one in Cleveland (Woodmere) and Westlake (Crocker Park)- for raising a total of $5,738 for the Cleveland Metroparks Fishing Fund during their May Giveback Days campaign. Over the past two years these shops have raised a total of just over $18K for local public fishing! Please consider spending your money locally at establishments that give back to the community.
Photo Release Waivers for Fishing Blog Photos (fast and easy to complete online). Photo release waivers for photos sent in for the fishing report can easily be completed online through Smart Waiver (takes only about 30 seconds to complete) at the following link:
<Smart Waiver link>. You only need to do this one time and any future additional photos submitted are already covered.
If you have a photo that you would like to contribute to the fishing report, or if you have any further questions regarding fishing in the Cleveland Metroparks, you may contact Aquatic Biologist Mike Durkalec at (440) 331-8017 or
[email protected] .
Tight Lines,
Ava and her dad caught some largemouth bass along the Cleveland shoreline using nightcrawlers (photos courtesy of Adam Wachtel).
Alex shared
“I wanted to submit some photos of a recent fishing trip. I love getting to use my lunch break to fish! Caught my personal best 2.8lb, 16 inch smallmouth on a soft swimbait!” (photos courtesy of Alex Barni).
Brent has been having fun catching a variety of species in our local rivers on the fly rod ranging from smallmouth bass to common carp (photos courtesy of Brent Oneill).
Another beautiful smallmouth bass caught in a local stream (photo courtesy of R. Serio).
Carl shared “
Here is a walleye I caught last Friday drifting. 29 inches on a worm harness.” (photo courtesy of Carl Blaser).
Henry shared “
This is my first time doing this, but I would like to share some photos of my first successful catch in the Metroparks! This is what I'm pretty sure is a yellow bullhead catfish, and I caught 'em by the East 55th Breakwall on a crappie rig with a worm on a size 6 hook. As far as I'm aware, it's common to eat these things, so I also got a good meal out of it with my folks! Hope these can be included in the next Fishing report!” (photos courtesy of Henry French).
Among the many walleye being caught aboard Dog Pound Charters, some big yellow perch have been in the mix as well as a surprise brown trout! (photos courtesy of Capt. Gary Norman).
Jim shared
“Happy July 4th! I caught this white bass at East 55th marina on a moss green shad rap. Thank you for continually posting the fishing reports.” (photo courtesy of Jim McCormick).
Jack, Patricia and Noreen have been catching largemouth bass and sunfish at Ranger Lake this summer (photos courtesy of Jack Malone).
Wes displays a bruiser sheepshead he caught in Lake Erie (photo courtesy of Wes Bombik).
Michael shared “
Caught these 2 beasts in Lake Erie near the Emerald Necklace Marina and was wondering if you could add them to your next fishing report. Caught them on Erie Dearie in about 20 feet of water.” (photo courtesy of Michael Crawford).
Some rainbow trout were still available into June such as these caught in Wallace Lake (photo courtesy of Jake Walter).
The fish better be alert day and night when Dexter and Max are around! Above the boys show off some Lake Erie walleye and Wallace Lake channel catfish caught recently (photos courtesy of Corey Butram).
Chris shows off a pair of bruiser Rocky River smallmouth bass, measuring 19 and 20 inches, as well as the modest fly he caught them on (photos courtesy of Chris Ligan).
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History Trout Club teamed up with Cleveland Metroparks to offer an outing where kids learned to tie a fly at a picnic table next to the pond then catch some sunfish on the flies they just tied. About are a few of the happy attendees (photos courtesy of Jerry Darkes).
A huge thank you goes out to our two local Orvis shops- one in Cleveland (Woodmere) and Westlake (Crocker Park)- for raising a total of $5,738 for the Cleveland Metroparks Fishing Fund during their May Giveback Days campaign. Over the past two years these shops have raised a total of just over $18K for local public fishing! Please consider spending your money locally at establishments that give back to the community.
This bowfin was caught at the Emerald Necklace Marina area of the Rocky River (photo courtesy of Michael Bobincheck).
I recently had the pleasure of fishing for bass along the Cleveland shoreline with Paul Bodamer, who is the VP and general Sales Manager at Fox 8 News. And, more importantly, is a fishing enthusiast!
Our Youth Outdoors program is making great childhood memories with many “first fish ever” experiences logged over recent weeks (photos courtesy of Elizabeth Kresse).
Note: The fishing report is updated monthly in June, July, and August and weekly every other month
***Note: All photo submissions must first complete the Cleveland Metroparks photo waiver.***
2025 Cleveland Metroparks Registered Fishing Guides
(name, company, contact)
#25-001 Jeff Liskay, Great Lakes Flyfishing LLC, [email protected] (440) 781-7536
#25-002 Gareth Thomas, Alley Grabs Guide Service, [email protected] (216) 235-5056
#25-003 Jim Lingenfelter, Wild Ohio Outdoors Guide Service, [email protected], (440) 731-9160
More information on Cleveland Metroparks Fishing Guide Permit requirements, including the permit application, you may check the following link: <Fishing Guide Permit Program>
Learn how you can support recreation opportunities through a donation to the Cleveland Metroparks
Fishing Fund.