There are many exciting opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students interested in research. Through our research volunteer program, students can connect with scientists at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo to help us collect data on active research projects. In addition, students may also enroll in the fast-paced two-week Zoo Science and Management course offered in the summer at the Zoo.
Research volunteer opportunities at the Zoo
The Zoo offers unpaid research volunteer positions to qualified undergraduate and graduate level students currently enrolled in a degree-seeking program. Interested students are required to first complete the Zoo Science and Management course offered by the Zoo.
As a research volunteer, you will be involved in collecting behavioral data for active research projects going on in the Zoo. In addition, you will gain valuable experience in data entry, data management and data analysis. There may also be opportunities for you to design your own research project. It is important to note that research volunteers do not directly interact with the animals as animal keepers do. This is important as animals are known to behave differently around people they know, which would undermine the validity of the scientific research.
Volunteer opportunities are an excellent way for you to learn more about animals and behavioral research techniques, train with zoo scientists, and make valuable connections in the Zoo. For more information, please e-mail us at [email protected].
Zoo Science and Management Course
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo offers a fast-paced two-week course featuring a diverse range of lectures covering all major areas of the Zoo. More information can be found at:
Advice for students pursuing a career in zoo research
As you will find, research in a zoo setting is very unique and challenging. If you are interested in zoo research and think it may be a career for you, you should contact your local zoo to see if they have any research opportunities. At Cleveland Metroparks Zoo we offer volunteer research positions and an introductory course in the zoo profession. If you are nearing college graduation, you should consider applying to graduate programs that have a strong focus in animal behavior. These programs may be located in Biology, Psychology or Anthropology departments. You may also find a university that has an affiliation to a local zoo.